About the Association
The South African Collieries Human Resources Association
The objectives of the association are to promote the status and professional standing of its members and to foster an enterprising spirit necessary to the success of all corporate bodies as well as providing a forum for discussion and communication for the benefit of members and industry. We provide a forum for discussion and communication for the benefit of all our members and the South African Mining Industry.
We provide a forum for discussion and communication for the benefit of all our members and the South African Mining Industry.
Join SACHRA Today
By joining the Association, you not only become part of a local network of Mine Human Resources practitioners, you also become part of the SACHRA family. We are here to help you grow both personally and professionally and provide you with key insights into industry news and HR best practice. There’s no better time than now to join the SACHRA family. Investing in membership will provide you with immediate access to networking with industry peers, interact with industry leaders and remain connected with current topical issues.
Everything rises and falls on Leadership
We discuss developments among mine employees which may be inimical to the interest of the South African Mining Industry.
The Association Objectives are met by holding regular meetings, conferences, seminars, workshops and meetings for the purpose of encouraging and promoting full discussion of professional affairs, interest and duties by the members.
We provide leadership in shaping an equitable and inclusive culture that drives diversity, excellence and innovation, within the Coal Mining sector in South Africa

SACHRA – Youth Month Message
As we celebrate Youth Day, I want to express my appreciation for our youth, who continue to remain resilient and demonstrate confidence in the future of our country. My wish is for every young person, from all aspects of life, to get an opportunity to realise their dreams, because it is those very dreams that will ensure South Africa remains brighter for the upcoming generations.
As the SACHRA President, and a woman who is passionate about development and empowerment, I commit myself to use my platforms to make the lives of our young people better than the life I have lived. I would like to encourage each one of you to also make the lives of our young people better. I am excited to announce that SACHRA will be hosting a youth empowerment concert before the end of 2024- for more information, please visit the SACHRA
Technical Visit
Join us on the 17th October 2024 for the Technical Visit event.
This event is for those that are looking at improving their skills in various sectors and developing themselves further.
If you are interested, please click the “Download” button which contains more information